
Why am I blogging?

After months of false starts and roadblocks — learning, designing, coding, and writing, all at the same time — so far I’ve only built this basic blog

In spite of all its frustrations, I’ve really enjoyed the creative and craft aspects of building my own website.

It’s a lot like woodworking. A chance to make something that’s completely personal, but also well crafted and engineered. Making something out of pixels instead of wood.

I’m relieved this first stage is almost over, but before I decide what to do next, I need to think about my objectives:

  • I’m not trying to sell a product, or a company, or to enhance my professional reputation — I don’t have any of these.

  • I don’t want millions of readers — I’d be pleased with just a handful.

  • I don’t want to appear boastful, or to set myself up as any kind of expert.

  • I want to write simply and clearly. But I need to write much faster, with a lot less editing.

  • I’d like to write about all of my interests. But to build even a tiny readership, it would be better to specialise in a single niche subject.

  • I want to share my interests with people who already like what I like. But I also want to encourage others to try them out for themselves.

  • I’d like to get some positive feedback. Yet no one will read my blog, if I don’t do some work to promote it.

The last item on this list is the most challenging for me. Especially as I’m not even on Twitter (yet?) or Facebook (never!).